Saturday, 14 March 2009

Clever little herbs

So, finally, we have been out into the garden and potted some plants. We had the help of my who brought along the compost and some lovely primroses and we put them in the pots. We also did the rose, geranium and another plant I've forgotten the name of. I got for my birthday some seeds from Keith's mum so put them in the trays and they are in the shed doing what they need to do. We then headed off to Homebase and bought some more compost, herbs (lemon thyme, coriander, mint and oregano) to plant to go along with the chives I already have and the rosemary which I wanted to put in one of the big pots. I also bought some lavender for the other pot. Whilst there, I spotted some raspberry plants, blackberry and gooseberry plants so bought those too which meant we had to pot them all. See the picutues below, along with some other pictures of flowers that have come out already in the garden. It's all looking very pretty :0)

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