Saturday, 7 February 2009

The differrence a week makes

Well what can I say, look at the photos of the beginning of the week with the snow and look at the photo I have taken today of our garden - the sun glinting off the patio, how crazy has this weather been. Anyway back to the job in hand, our mate Rob popped round today to take a look at our light fittings to see if he could put up 2 new lights as the one in the hall has gone and also the one on the landing is knackered. Well he has managed to do the hall lights but apparently the landing lights are wired in a weird way - may have something to do with being able to turn them on from a downstairs switch and an upstairs switch. He thinks he can sort them out though with a different type of fitting. So here is a picture of our new hall light, the exact same one we hope will be fitting in the landing. Going to log off now to watch the rugby!

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