Saturday, 11 April 2009

Hi all, thought I would give you a brief up date on how the garden is doing and the decorating generally. Hoping to finish off some of the painting as that has going by the way side slightly. As far as the garden goes, you can see that the fruit plants (gooseberry, raspberry and blackberry) are coming on nicely. The gooseberry seems to be the best so far with more green leave on whereas the blackberry seems the worst with only a couple of new buds, but I am sure we will get there.
You may be wondering why there is a picture of a cat that isn't Arwen. Well, it seems that Arwen is a bit of, well.... a tart, and has two, yes two! boyfriends. There is a big black fluffy one which comes calling but she isn't keen on him and I think he is a bit of a bully so we chase him out of the garden. The other one, who we have affectionally called Bob (as he doesn't have a name tag on his collar), is very friendly and is happy to be stroked and picked up. Arwen is a little wary of him and tollerates him being there. He is very sweet so we don't mind him so much, plus he was happy to pose for a picture.

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