Thursday, 13 August 2009

We have food!

Hi all, I know it's been a wee while since I last updated the blog but you know how it is. Ok, so the latest developments in the garden as you can see are food! Raspberries and Tomatoes to be precise. Was getting worried about the fruit as it looked like they were being eaten by something (probably snails as we have an abundance of those knocking around) but low and behold I spotted some appearing and the one I tasted was nice. The toms were re-potted and seem much happier - we have about 14 waiting to ripen so that's all good. Still waiting for the blackberries and the gooseberries but I think there is still time for them.
I've also attached pictures of some "ornaments", one is my spiral hanging copper thing which Keith kindly put up for me and the other is one of three copper bugs/butterflies which are dotted around the garden.
As far as decoration goes in the house, not much has happend although we would like to get the bathroom done next so will up date when that's about to happen.

Saturday, 30 May 2009

So, over the bank holiday weekend last weekend, the Southend Air Show was on, so, needless to say there were a lot of plane flying overhead towards Southend. Although you can hear them coming from a long way off, you don't get to see them until they are right on top of you and believe it or not it was hard to take a decent photo but anyway here are a few that I did take.
On to this weekend, we have finally bought a BBQ (wanting to use it when we actually HAVE some nice weather), so here are some pictures of Keith and Andy (who is staying with us for a couple of days) putting it together and the Naked Chef at the grill attempting to cook. Maybe he might do the cooking more often now we have one? There are also a couple of pics of Arwen (of course) being generally cute.
That's all for the time being! xx

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Clematis and other plants

So we have been gardening again. This time we, well, I decided that I wanted to change the plants in the beds by the shed. So we pulled them up and planted some Cosmos and Salvia Red and another plant that I can't remember. We also put in a lovely Clematis "Snow Queen" which we bought. Originally I wanted Alliums in there but they only had two rather dodgy looking ones at the garden centre so may get these from when I am off for a week in 2 weeks time. I also decided to move my Jasmine from one side of the garden to the other, I don't think it is liking where it was so hopefully the change will do it good.
Next thing is to get a BBQ!

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Gardening and wall papering

So yesterday Keith's parents came over to help us put up the wall paper in the bedroom and also tidy up the garden.
Keith and his dad got to work in the bedroom and I am really pleased with how it has come out, which is always a bit of a relief with the wallpaper costing £30 a roll you don't want it to be messed up! The only things left to do in the bedroom is to put up some shelves and change the carpet, then I can decide what room to do next!
As far as the garden goes, we had a very large and overgrown shrub which appeared to be dead underneath, so Keith's mum and I have cut this right down. Whether we decide to keep it or take it up, I will need to think (it is on the right hand side of the picture above). When cutting that back we discovered another shrub there and a trellice, so again we cut that back and I have decided to place the jasmine plant there and get that to climb (hopefully).
Unfortunately the little seeds I planted have died as we left them outside, so will start again with some new seeds. I think I may see if I can get a small glass house which I can put them in and keep an eye on them. Maybe on bank holiday Monday I might take a trip to the nursery and see what takes my fancy!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Hi all, thought I would give you a brief up date on how the garden is doing and the decorating generally. Hoping to finish off some of the painting as that has going by the way side slightly. As far as the garden goes, you can see that the fruit plants (gooseberry, raspberry and blackberry) are coming on nicely. The gooseberry seems to be the best so far with more green leave on whereas the blackberry seems the worst with only a couple of new buds, but I am sure we will get there.
You may be wondering why there is a picture of a cat that isn't Arwen. Well, it seems that Arwen is a bit of, well.... a tart, and has two, yes two! boyfriends. There is a big black fluffy one which comes calling but she isn't keen on him and I think he is a bit of a bully so we chase him out of the garden. The other one, who we have affectionally called Bob (as he doesn't have a name tag on his collar), is very friendly and is happy to be stroked and picked up. Arwen is a little wary of him and tollerates him being there. He is very sweet so we don't mind him so much, plus he was happy to pose for a picture.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Clever little herbs

So, finally, we have been out into the garden and potted some plants. We had the help of my who brought along the compost and some lovely primroses and we put them in the pots. We also did the rose, geranium and another plant I've forgotten the name of. I got for my birthday some seeds from Keith's mum so put them in the trays and they are in the shed doing what they need to do. We then headed off to Homebase and bought some more compost, herbs (lemon thyme, coriander, mint and oregano) to plant to go along with the chives I already have and the rosemary which I wanted to put in one of the big pots. I also bought some lavender for the other pot. Whilst there, I spotted some raspberry plants, blackberry and gooseberry plants so bought those too which meant we had to pot them all. See the picutues below, along with some other pictures of flowers that have come out already in the garden. It's all looking very pretty :0)

Saturday, 7 February 2009

The differrence a week makes

Well what can I say, look at the photos of the beginning of the week with the snow and look at the photo I have taken today of our garden - the sun glinting off the patio, how crazy has this weather been. Anyway back to the job in hand, our mate Rob popped round today to take a look at our light fittings to see if he could put up 2 new lights as the one in the hall has gone and also the one on the landing is knackered. Well he has managed to do the hall lights but apparently the landing lights are wired in a weird way - may have something to do with being able to turn them on from a downstairs switch and an upstairs switch. He thinks he can sort them out though with a different type of fitting. So here is a picture of our new hall light, the exact same one we hope will be fitting in the landing. Going to log off now to watch the rugby!

Monday, 2 February 2009

Sod's law

So today I have the day off. Had plans about going to the Garden Centre and also to some shops so I can get some birthday presents but, as you can see and are no doubt experiencing yourself, it has snowed! So no chance of doing any of my plans. But still, I have posted some snowy pictures instead and will stay indoors. If you are out and about, take care!!!

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Homebase is my second home

Hullo everyone. Well today is Saturday and of course we have been to good 'ol Homebase. We needed to get another extension lead and also another lamp for the bedroom. We have moved the position of the bed in the main bedroom so I can paint some more tomorrow, but also because where it is now is where I always intended the bed to be. I shall post a photo once I have done a bit more painting in there and you can see what I mean. As can be seen from the photo we have finally put up our coat rack in the hall and I am going to continue painting the bottom panels to finish that off. The next thing I thing for the hall will be the carpet as it has faded in places. Not entirely sure what to do best, probably get a carpet and I was toying with the idea of a cream carpet, BUT as this is what they call a "high traffic area" of the house, I am not entirely sure cream would be best. So maybe a light brown to tie in everything.

So back to Homebase, I was very well behaved and came out with the bits I went in for and only one thing extra (a pot for a house plant). However, they appear to have a range called "Grow your own" and had rasperry plants, blackberry, blueberry etc for sale and I was sorely tempted to buy a raspberry one. I also nearly bought the Rosemary pot which I want to put in a blue tub outside and was keeping my eyes peeled for lavender bushes too. Methinks, I will go back next week once I have been paid and will get these plus some compost/top soil (not sure what I need - Rachael help!!) to put in the pots so I can plant everything. They also had grow your own rhubarb and toms etc which I am very tempted about giving a try. I also spotted a cone hanging basket was would look lovely at the back of the house so might get that too...

Now we do have some solar lights in the garden, but I think they are broken so I wouldn't mind getting some of those too. We do have a light in the back but I worry about it not being turned off so think solar ones would do the trick.

We also bought a double bed for the spare room (or rather the spare "oom" as we affectionally call it). I haven't posted pictures of that room yet so will get to that, although not much needs doing to it.

Right back to do a little more painting while waiting for the washing to do and I shall post some pictures of the main bedroom once I have done some more. Ciao ciao!!!