Tuesday 28 September 2010


I have started painting the hall in an effort to minimise the "pinkness" of the wall paper the previous owner had. I have taken some pictures and will up load these shortly. I have gone for a pale pink (as we are stuck with the pink carpet at the moment) to match the chocolate brown. Let me know what you think once I've put the pictures on here.


Friday 20 August 2010

Flower Power!

I have been enlisted onto the church flower rota and usually do the flowers with another lady. However, tomorrow I am going to be doing them on my own - eek! So to save me being at the church all day, I have done one small arrangement at home today - see pics above. They are purple carnations (shop brought) with the greenery from my garden. I felt I didn't have enough flowers so raided my garden for some Japanese anenamoe (sp?). I hope they look alright. Am a bit of a novice so still finding my feet. I will post pictures of the other flower stands once I have done them (and if they turn out ok!).
Have stuck in another picture of Arwen as she crops up every where and was looking particularly pretty on the cushion on the sofa.
Love to all

Monday 2 August 2010

Foxy, foxy

Afternoon all!

Keith and I went over to the Isle of Man to see Jane, Alistair and Joe (who was over on holiday too). I shall do another post with some photos of our trip but we had a lovely time and will definitely go back again.

Other random news, Keith and I were sitting watching telly, as you do, and looked out the patio door window to find a fox on the patio. We both rushed over to see it and it darted off down the end of the garden. I did try to take a photo on the mobile but it didn't come out very well. We think the fox is living in next door's garden (as the house is vacant so no-one around to deter it) and their garden is very over grown. We will have to keep our eyes open to see if it comes back.

I'm thinking about decorating the hall some more (although this is probably news to Keith) and would like a new carpet, however, our oven is playing up and now our washing machine is making strange noises so expect we will have to do something about those first!

Love & hugs


Tuesday 18 May 2010

Alium's galore

Well not much really to report. No further decorating although our next project is the bathroom but would need to save some money for that first! Insofar as the garden goes, I planted a while back some Alium bulbs and they have now grown and opened up. I shall add some pictures later one but they look very pretty. We also have some garden/patio furniture so when the sun finally arrives we might be able to sit outside - hooray.

My nephew Joe has been staying on and off as he is now in the army so any weekends he gets off, it is easier for him to kip round ours. On Saturday just gone we had him, Keith's parents and my parents over for some food and a general chit chat. Keith unfortunately had a viral illness and was not at all well - poor thing, but he is a lot better now.

Saturday 3 April 2010

Sofa galore

Hi, sorry it's been a while since the last post. Not too much to report on the work front. We have a nice new sofa and a new picture up in the living room. Bob, our resident cat food stealing moggy seems to have taken up residence. We are hoping to get some garden furniture soon and eventually to sort the bathroom out.

Thursday 13 August 2009

We have food!

Hi all, I know it's been a wee while since I last updated the blog but you know how it is. Ok, so the latest developments in the garden as you can see are food! Raspberries and Tomatoes to be precise. Was getting worried about the fruit as it looked like they were being eaten by something (probably snails as we have an abundance of those knocking around) but low and behold I spotted some appearing and the one I tasted was nice. The toms were re-potted and seem much happier - we have about 14 waiting to ripen so that's all good. Still waiting for the blackberries and the gooseberries but I think there is still time for them.
I've also attached pictures of some "ornaments", one is my spiral hanging copper thing which Keith kindly put up for me and the other is one of three copper bugs/butterflies which are dotted around the garden.
As far as decoration goes in the house, not much has happend although we would like to get the bathroom done next so will up date when that's about to happen.

Saturday 30 May 2009

So, over the bank holiday weekend last weekend, the Southend Air Show was on, so, needless to say there were a lot of plane flying overhead towards Southend. Although you can hear them coming from a long way off, you don't get to see them until they are right on top of you and believe it or not it was hard to take a decent photo but anyway here are a few that I did take.
On to this weekend, we have finally bought a BBQ (wanting to use it when we actually HAVE some nice weather), so here are some pictures of Keith and Andy (who is staying with us for a couple of days) putting it together and the Naked Chef at the grill attempting to cook. Maybe he might do the cooking more often now we have one? There are also a couple of pics of Arwen (of course) being generally cute.
That's all for the time being! xx